AMPAL 2018 team and contact

The organising committee of AMPAL 2018:

Kat Mawford
Kat is a second year PhD at Manchester researching the nature and depiction of water-based shapeshifters in Greek poetry and myth. Her other research interests include monstrosity and magic in myth and folktales. Outside of her PhD, Kat is the Secretary for the Manchester Classical Association and has been involved for several years with teaching Latin and bringing mythology into schools as part of the Manchester Classics for All project. (Twitter: @katmawford)

Julene Abad Del Vecchio
Julene is a third year PhD here at Manchester working on Statius’ Achilleid. Her thesis looks to explore a more nefarious, darker side to the poem, examining the poem’s intertextual relationship to its epic and tragic predecessors. Her research interests include Flavian literature and the gory world of Lucan, but she is still enamoured with the Augustan poets. Away from verse, she is interested in Italo Calvino, Elena Ferrante and loves any cosy detective novel. For a while, she thought that Manchester By The Sea was an utopian movie addressing the only shortcoming that her current city has.

Eleni Ntanou
Eleni recently completed her PhD on ‘Ovid and Virgil’s Pastoral Poetry’ at the University of Manchester. She is mainly interested in pastoral and epic poetry and, generally, the study of genre as well as gender in Augustan and Flavian literature. Alongside these main interests, she works with migration narratives, literary geographies and identity, and has given relevant papers. (Academia:, Twitter: @eleni_ntanou)

Serena Cammoranesi 
Serena is in the first year of her PhD in Classics and Ancient History at Manchester. She is interested in ancient epistolography, late-Republican and early-Imperial history and literature (especially Horace and Cicero), as well as Archaic Greek Poetry. In her current research project, she is focusing on the literary aspects of Cicero’s Epistulae ad Familiares, analysed as a coherent collection with a specific editorial design. Among her non-Academic interests are, in no particular order, Pushkin, Joe Wright, and Italian literature on World War II.

Laura Chambers 
Laura is a part-time PhD student in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on the literary representation of exempla within first-century CE Roman prose literature.  In particular, she explores the extent to which exempla can be differentiated along gendered lines at the conceptual level within various texts, including declamations, letters, consolations and collections of exemplary material.  When not working on her PhD she spends her time working as a professional pet-sitter, being sat on by various cats. (Twitter: @chambers_l_j)

Matt Ingham 

Matt is a first-year PhD student in Classics and Ancient History whose research focuses on how women interacted with legal authorities in the Roman Empire, whether appealing for assistance to resolve a particular legal problem or as active participants in litigation. Matt is also involved in a number of school outreach projects as convenor and tutor for Manchester Classics for All and Schools’ Liaison officer for the Manchester branch of the Classical Association.

If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact the team at
